About me

My name is Christopher, but here I will sign off as FFF. I am a student who is about to graduate from Illinois State University and I am looking into marine biology masters programs. 

I have been in the reef tank hobby for about 5 years. It started off as DIY tanks and it progressed as I learned more about the care of these bizarre and beautiful creatures. Now I am trying to learn as much as I can and I plan on sharing the things I find with everyone here on my blog. Overall, I want a place where I can talk about and discuss coral and reef tanks.

The main tank that will be presented on this page is a 29 gallon Mixed Reef tank. It is the home of two clownfish. These two will be featured often and possibly live streamed. There is a 50 gallon tank that may also be shown from time to time, but it is still in its early stages and not fully matured. It is home to a large anemone and two clown fish. 

To contact me, leave a comment on the blog and I will respond accordingly :) Otherwise you may use the "Contact me" page at the top of the site. Questions may inspire additional content. New reefers, if you have any specific questions let me know and I will do my best to assist. Some of the posts I make will be going over the "basics" such as filtration, water parameters, and lighting to take care of coral and fish. 



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