Purpose Page

 What is the purpose of Frogfish Friend? 

The purpose of Frogfish Friend is to share imagery of coral and to educate people about marine life and the coral reef tank hobby. Saltwater life is foreign to most people and its not apart of their daily life. So the term "Out of sight, out of mind" plays a big role in preventing people from experiencing the wonders of nature. In addition, I am trying to expand my conservation reach and make more connections. It would be nice to use this blog as part of a resume or the next step in my career.

ClownfishMy mission is to share the interesting, bizarre, and beautiful world of marine life and help newcomers in the hobby. The more people participate in the hobby means better chances of coral survival. It allow for more commercial scale aquaculture farming as the demand for coral increases.

I want to make the hobby easy to enter and the knowledge and information easy to digest. The next trend may be 5 Gallon office tanks full of colorful coral. The hardest parts to overcome are the initial set up and then the overall maintenance. I have a few tips and tricks that can help make these easy to care for in many homes and environments. 

Most of the content here will be educational. At certain times I will be able to sell frags of colonies in my tank. Soon, I will be able to sell designer clownfish. I may review products and accept sponsors along the way. I do not intend to make a living here. But I do have a goal of making enough money to support tank maintenance from salt to frags to food. 

Visit the "Contact me" page on the top of the site if you have any questions or anything you would like to discuss.

Ultron Favia coral

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