Problem solving: How to get more colorful coral

 Hi friends!

Today I would like to talk about coral coloration. This is a very hot topic for everyone in the hobby and everyone has different opinions on it. There is no single right way to do something. But with that being said, Ill share some of my tips and experiences with you to try and get a more colorful tank. 

The first thing that I think is worth mentioning is that not every coral is colorful. If you have a "boring" brown and yellow coral you will not be able to make it more colorful. It already has its colors and you cant change them. 

Next, I like to look at lighting. It is important to keep the light on a timer. Try to automate everything. It keeps things consistent which helps the coral be less stressed (which is another way to get more colorful coral). 

The lighting should be on for 9-12 hours depending on the coral and intensity of the light. Light intensity is very important to get right from the beginning. You normally mount an LED 12-18 inches above the tank for optimal light spread and par disbursement. Coral grow and thrive off of blue lighting between 380-450 NM. This is where most of the coloration will come from.

Next I look at water parameters and filtration. The main thing that I look for here is, is there any optimal filtration and is it maintained. The next thing I look for is if the tank is running carbon. Carbon helps clear the water of contaminants and helps remove yellow/brown tint to keep the water clear. If the water has any tint, it will reduce the amount of light the coral gets. This can reduce the blue spectrum coral need leaving it with more unwanted colors. 

Finally, I look for what kind of routine the tank has. Again, coral love consistency. So things to keep an eye on are how regularly filter socks are changed, how often water changes happen, how much and how often the tank is fed, and etc. The more things stay consistent and healthy, the better chances you have for coral that glow and pop under actinic lighting. 

Last thoughts.

If you think you have the lighting under control and filtration is steady, it may be a good idea to look into supplemental feeding. Some corals, such as acans, are very active feeders. They get most of their energy needs from photosynthesis. But they perk up when fed often. I recommend Reef Roids. The other "food" product I recommend is Reef Energy AB+. Reef roids is a great product that feeds a large portion of the tank. But if you are concerned about nutrient import/export then the reef energy AB+ may be a little bit of a "cleaner" product. 

As always, if you have any questions let me know. Coral coloration is a very talked about topic with a lot of factors that play a role. The main points are to get lighting on a schedule and supply the coral with the appropriate light spectrum. Have good filtration and keep consistent parameters. Carbon helps aid all around. Potentially feed your coral.

Thank you,


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