"Designer" coral prices and names: RANT POST WARNING

 Hi friends!

You know what I have a love hate relationship with (mostly hate)? The so called "designer" corals. 

For those of you new to the hobby, these designer corals are given special catchy names and the prices are then marked up. For example (in the picture to the right) you will see a nice colorful Zoanthid. This particular coral is known as a "white zombie". And it sells for over $150 per head! The green and blue zoas behind it are known as "radioactive dragon eye" green variety (because there is also a red version). 

Basically, this is just a way for people to mark up products. Normally it goes along the lines of "Indonesian electric zing". Or the location it is supposedly from plus something fun sounding. 

The only positive note I can say about it is it helps us differentiate specific morphs and mutations. So if I am in the market for a green coral it can make it a little easier to stay consistent. 

In addition to their absurd names, coral farmers will often time add their name to the coral. So now instead of White zombie we might have something like WWC White Zombie ORA. 

To me it just feels gross. And I will show you why. The next Zoanthid picture, below, is of a really nice pink variety. It goes by a few names. Go figure! The two names I normally see it go by are "Playboy bunny" and "Halle Berry". One goes for $25 a head and the other goes for $75 per head.

Its all in good fun I suppose... If you want to see some gorgeous zoas with fun names check out WWC.

Thanks for reading everyone. And as always, if you have any questions let me know!


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