Filtration comparison

 Hi friends!

I would like to talk about filtration in the reef tank hobby. These are the main three:

1. Mechanical

2. Chemical

3. Biological

Mechanical filtration in this hobby is typically a filter sock, sponge, and filter floss. There is also more advance equipment such as roller mats. The idea behind mechanical filtration is to strain matter from the water. So as water flows through a sock, larger particles (typically 100-200 microns) stay inside. It is best to change and wash these every 3-7 days depending on how much is being fed to the tank. Mechanical filtration is typically easy to use, easy to clean and maintain, and very efficient if changed regularly.

Chemical filtration is typically GFO (granular ferric oxide) or activated carbon. GFO is used to control phosphates and silicates. This may seem tempting to many new reefers that have an algae outbreak. But chances are this will mask a problem until it "explodes". Carbon, on the other hand, is safe to use. It helps absorb "things" in the water, it makes the water more clear (important for light penetration), and it removes a lot of smells that come from the tank. 

Biological filtration is probably the most important. The main source of biological filtration is... ROCKS! This is where the term "Live Rock" comes in. There is a population of bacteria in the pores of the rock. This bacteria is responsible for the nitrogen cycle in the tank and it should be the backbone of any filtration. It takes time to build up a "healthy" population. Here is another way to have biological filtration without sand or rock. It can be hidden in different places in the tank. The idea is the same but it is more easily adjustable.

Filtration is not one size fits all. There are a lot of ways to get something done in the hobby and filtration is a good example of it. The picture on the right is of my Maxima Clam. They are filter feeders and are another form of filtration.

As always, if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask :)


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