Prediction for 2022


 Hi friends! 

Many of you may not know this, but the reef tank hobby goes through waves of trends (get it?). A few years ago scollys' were the big expensive coral going around. Not long after that bounce mushrooms were a bit hit. Rockflower anemones' had a short time in the lime light. And of course how can we forget about all of the designer zoanthids. 

A lot of the trendy coral that makes its way into the hobby also depend on oversea regulation. Indonesia (where most coral is shipped from) placed heavy regulations on ocean harvesting and trade over the last year in part due to covid and in part due to over fishing. 

My big bold prediction for 2022 is that there will be a wave of "desk" tanks as the next trend. This would help move the hobby forward in many ways. 

1. It would take focus away from office betta tanks that are not suitable for fish. Fish need a lot more space than most people believe. A betta fish is recommended to have at least 5 gallons, a heater, and a filter. 

2. Office tanks are typically simple set ups with little maintenance. This is a perfect fit for some coral! Coral does not have specific tank size requirements like fish do. So we can put a bunch of easy to grow coral in an old small 1-2 gallon betta bowl. Easy to grow coral (typically softies) are normally easy to propagate. This may help reduce harvesting stress on the ocean as more coral is aquaculture in an office setting. 

3. It would look really cool. Imagine having a fishbowl of skittle colored zoanthids on your desk. Thats pretty rad. The top picture is of "Halle Barry" Zoanthids. The bottom left is "white zombie" zoanthid and the bottom right is "Radioactive dragon eye".


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