Questions from a Betta breeder.

Hi friends!

I asked a betta breeder two questions. 

1. "What are improvements you would like to see in the industry?"

2. "How do we make the hobby as simple as possible for new tank keepers?"

Saltwater and freshwater fish tanks have different equipment and care but they have a lot of over lap in in the industry. Betta fish have a bit of a sore spot in the fish tank community. This is mainly because a lot of people do not understand the care requirements for the fish. Unfortunately this is the case in a lot of the hobby. Newcomers are interested in buying a little colorful fish in a cup. Then often times they do not have the proper equipment to care for the animal. Margaret's response reflects a lot of these issues. 

"One improvement I would like to see? Easy. Properly displayed fish. Betta fish need at least a 5 gallon tank with a heater and filter. Most fish stores keep them in a cup and leave them on a shelf. That is also how you make the hobby simple. People need to know what to expect when caring for an animal. If the fish store is keeping a fish in that condition they are setting a poor example.



Care requirements are very important to research. A clownfish pair will typically need 30 Gallons or more. A lot of people see betta fish as a decoration and not the animal it is.

Thank you for talking Bettas with me! If you have any questions let me know.


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